
Our Theory of Compassion

  • Each drop creates the sea

‘Compassion’ and ‘Compassion in Action’

‘Compassion’ is the feeling of suffering of others as our own, with an inner and instinctive drive to end that suffering. This generates energy, and leads to connectedness, hope and positivity.

‘Compassion in Action’ enables us to translate the feeling of compassion into meaningful action to alleviate the suffering of others, through situational, structural and systemic problem-solving.


Our Theory of Change

There is no easy solution to these issues. We need to seriously rethink, redefine, and reconstruct our approach to life and society, as well as our understanding of success. Compassion is key to enable peaceful co-existence, human fraternity and a sustainable future for all.

Compassion in Action

All humans are born with an inherent capacity for Compassion. A compassionate person’s response to the suffering of self and others is instantaneous and instinctive. Compassion is the driving force that steers us from cognizance to compassion in action.

Increasing Level of Compassion Quotient

Compasion in Action

Expand our Circles of Compassion

Globalization of Compassion

‘Compassion in Action’ enables us to expand our ‘Circles of Compassion’ and helps us reach beyond our immediate circles to all walks of life, including corporates, academia, healthcare and politics, eventually spreading to the entire world.

Expanding our ‘Circles of Compassion’ allows us to truly ‘Globalizing Compassion’, as we learn to coexist in peace and harmony with each other and the planet.

  • Thanks to your help

Compassion Quotient (CQ)

Compassion Quotient (CQ) is the measure of an individual’s ability for Compassion. In other words, their capacity to notice, feel, connect with, respond and act to solve one’s own as well as others’ problems. As is the case with Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ), the level of CQ can differ significantly between individuals, depending on a range of factors such as:

  • Genetic Makeup
  • Family Environment
  • Education
  • Socio-cultural Background
  • Personal Beliefs and Influences

CQ can be evaluated and its level can be increased. We are developing a comprehensive framework to measure and increase CQ using a multidisciplinary approach.

Best Experience

Duis commodo enim dui, ac ultricies justo aliquam ut. Sed sed tortor commodo, elementum justo ut, dignissi.

Tamara Allen

Ignite Your Spark of Compassion


Contact Organization

  • L-6, 3rd Floor, Kalkaji, New Delhi 110019
  • Office: 011 – 47511111


Terms and Conditions:

  • Your donations are tax exempted under 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act
  • Tax exemption certificates will be filled with the details submitted in the above form
  • In case of incomplete or false details, your donation will be rejected
  • This link is for Indian Nationals paying via Indian Bank accounts only